NOAA SPS Data Browser

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NOAA Salmonid Population Summary (SPS) Database The Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NWFSC) maintains the Salmon Population Summary (SPS) database, providing access to demographic data compiled for ESA-listed salmonid populations as part of the NWFSC's technical recovery planning efforts. The database contains data on spawning abundance, age structure of wild spawners, fraction of natural spawners that are of wild origin, and the reduction in spawning abundance due to harvest. The data correspond to the populations identified by the NMFS Technical Recovery Teams, and are used in part to assess population and ESU-level recovery criteria for many listed ESUs. Data may be downloaded at the NWFSC SPS Website.
Currently using Status Review 2015 downloaded 4/25/2016.

Due to the wide variety of data sources the go into the Salmonid Population Summary (SPS) database, the NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NWFSC) does not guarantee the accuracy of any of the data in the SPS database. In particular, neither the U.S. Government, nor any agency or employee thereof, makes any warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy of the data, including but not limited to the implied warranties or merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose. In no event shall the U.S. Government, nor any agency or employee thereof, be liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damage flowing from the use of the data in the SPS database.

The SPS Data Browser is still in development and we welcome your feedback. Please send comments to:
Brian Maschhoff or Rich Hinrichsen.

Support for development was provided by the Bonneville Power Administration.

Bonneville Power Administration Salmonetics Hinrichsen Environmental

Browser Requirements

  1. A reasonably recent browser (Chrome, IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari)
  2. At least 1280 horizontal pixels in browser window. Decrease magnification if necessary

Usage Hints

  1. On the data pane at left, clicking within one of the lightly shaded areas (corresponding to an MGP) filters the populations down to that MPG. Clicking again within that area (or the Back icon) restores the previous.
  2. Clicking on the name of the population displays its data all by itself.
  3. You can restrict the populations to one or more ESUs by clicking on the associated bars in the ESU row chart on the left.
  4. You can restrict the time window by clicking and dragging your mouse across the year labels on the x-axis. The span will shade gray as you do this, but you need to release the click within that axis (and not somewhere else on the screen). Not perfect, but it works for now. Clicking on the left or right arrows which appear expands back to the original limits.
  5. The map is for orientation purposes, so clicking on it will get you nowhere.
  6. Grouping together one or more MPGs or run types is possible using the pie chart filters found under the Pop/Stream/Run tab (mislabeled at present) on the left pane.
  7. The "Show" dropdown toggles between displaying only those populations for which the SPS has data and additional listed populations which may (or may not) have data in the future.
  8. The "Show All" selection in the Select Species list will indeed show all populations on one screen. It's really scary.

Show:  Full Scale    Wild Only    No Jacks    Overlays          
Show: Spawner Abundance    Wild Fraction    Age Structure
Show: Spawner Abundance    Wild Fraction    Age Structure